Information Technology Student Organization

Point Park's student run IT Organization.

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Average class size of 15-20 students allows for personalized learning. Students learn hands-on in IT labs and in every course related to the major.

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Whether you need assistance with your IT courses or just want to learn a new IT skill, our tutorials are a great place to get started.

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Details Matter

One of the most common aspects that IT students struggle with initially is how detail oriented one has to be. If you write a program and one of the variable names is off by one letter, your program will not work. If you write an SQL query and you leave out a single quote at

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RoboCodeJS: A Programming Game

There is a strong focus on programming in the IT program, and for good reason. Not only will students develop incredibly powerful problem solving skills, it is also true that software is ‘eating’ the world (e.g., Google, Facebook, Uber). But learning programming can be challenging, which is why we are introducing a programming game called

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JavaScript: The Future

When we revamped the IT program a few years ago, it was our vision to use JavaScript in most of our programming courses. The reason is that we envisioned that JavaScript would become even more important than it already was. Not only is it supported by every browser, it also runs on the server through

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The Skill of Programming

Programming is easy to start with, but hard to master. In our IT program we mostly use JavaScript and for that you only need a text editor and a browser. But to become good at programming it takes time, effort, and persistence. In this post I will look at why programming is so hard, what

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Othot: Co-op: Week Eleven Reflection

Week eleven has been filled with a lot of testing. I focused a lot on running tests on the customer data I have been working on. Testing began with removing mapping on a certain variable to see how the results would be altered. I tested a number of leaf samples along with different variables to

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Othot: Co-op: Week Ten Reflection

Week ten was an experimental week for me here at Othot. We are testing new ideas for the customer data I have been working with since the beginning. After the meeting, they communicated some specifics they would like to see us do with their data. So this week, we took a look at them. I

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Othot: Co-op: Week Nine Reflection

Hi everyone! Week nine was really cool for me. I got to sit in on a customer meeting with a couple other of my co-workers to demo our platform. It was really nice to get to witness this because it helps me learn and gain more experience. It was very interesting to see the professionalism

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