Summer Projects: Vital Towards College Students

When you think about summer, you may look at it as a time to take a break from school courses and learning. Summer, of course, is a time to enjoy the time off and refresh before the new semester starts. Although, here is why summer is a prime time opportunity for students to learn new skills, work towards projects, and expand upon topics taught during the academic year being focused before the ever so busy semester begins.

You see, there is only so much allotted time and topics that can be taught during the semsters. During the summer when we are off is a great time to brush up on previously taught topics that we could potentially lose the material. Is there a project you are interested to do, or another language you would like to learn to add to your resume? My recommendation is the summer since you have more time to devote versus the academic year when you are swimming in other course work, extra-curricular activities, and even a job. In college our time is very limited, so we should be maximizing the time we do have to pursue opportunities that will benefit our resume and future career upon graduation.

If you are unsure about any projects that you are looking into starting or not interested in certificates, then I would recommend even reading books about topics you are interested in or industry trends. Doing some research or reading will benefit you when it comes to interviews and networking events, a newfound interest that may sway your course selections, and even give you leverage in online discussions that you can participate in.

The fall semester begins on Monday, August 26th, and as of now, that is a little over one month away! Take some time out of your schedule if possible to work on a project, learn a new language, get a head start on internship hunting, work on your website, or get the certification. Comment below if you have been working on any projects this summer that you would like to share!

-Sabrina Tatalias (ITSO President)

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