Hello again, during week 12 with Vitti & Vitti & Associates I invested some time looking into the possibility of designing and programming a new database system that would perform the same or better solutions than the current one. This is an imminent task since the current database keeps presenting problems and crashing quite often.

The rest of the time this week was invested into old goals which include but are not limited to finishing the website and updating the database.

As a result of the database software continuously crashing, it was determined that we no longer use it in all computers because it may not be recoverable after so many attempts at restoring it. In coordination with the network administrator, it was recommended that only one computer would have access to this system at any given time. This has posed a tremendous set back in the amount of time that it takes to update one single account and in making sure that it complies with all regulatory compliance.

At this point, the landing page and all of the sub-pages of the website with its respective content are complete and I spent a good bit of time into planning the migration. Thought not complete, I feel confident that next week this would be done.

I give myself a 5 for this week for completing the website and all of its sub-pages. I look forward to making it live.

Until next week.

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