I just completed my tenth week at my co-op with target freight.  This week I managed to get a lot accomplished towards getting my project into production use.

At the beginning of the week, I completed the functional acknowledgment to send back to carriers. After that step was done with I had a fully working prototype. After showing the prototype in our weekly ITIS meeting my boss wanted me to add a few features that allow for an easier UI for the customers. So I was able to add the functionality of having all shipments that were due to be delivered on that day pre loaded for the customer to see after they log in and click the tracking link. Then  I made all the shipments be clickable so, they don’t have to copy and paste that Pro into the search. To make this possible I used another Ajax request. Using Ajax is very efficient, and a just plain cool feature in jQuery, since it eliminates the use of page reloads, making your web page very user-friendly and fast.

Finally, at the end of the week, I worked my manager to expedite the process for our carriers to start sending production EDI files and to also ensure that our EDI specifications are being met.


I give myself a weekly rating of 5 this week. I am happy to have a fully functioning prototype that is just waiting on carrier data to test. I am looking forward to next week to see new features I can try to add!

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