Basic Tips
Here are some tips to get started with the command line in your FreeBSD jail:
- When you enter your password the cursor will not move (or blink). This is for security reasons, namely that someone looking over your shoulder won’t know how many characters your password is.
- To learn more information about a command run the
program. For example, to learn more about thecp
program you can runman cp
to get to know more about it. - Commands are case sensitive. Make sure to be careful when entering them and pay attention to detail.
- If you get stuck take a screen shot and send it to your instructor for help. Make sure that you explain what you were trying to achieve and what the previous steps were.
- Learn the basic commands that are listed below.
Overview of Commands
Here are some basic commands:
Command | Description |
pwd | prints working directory |
ls | lists contents of current directory |
ls –l | lists contents of current directory with extra details |
cd ~ | change directory to your home directory |
cd name | change directory to name |
cd .. | change directory to parent directory (using a relative path) |
cd /some/path | change directory to /some/path (using an absolute path) |
cd – | change to the previous directory you were in |
mkdir name | create directory name |
rmdir name | remove directory name (must be empty) |
touch name | create empty file name or changes timestamp if it already exists |
cp file1 file2 | copy file1 to file2 (file2 will be overwritten) |
rm file | remove file file |
rm –f file | force removal of file file (no confirmation) |
cp –r dir newdir | copy directory dir to newdir recursively |
rm –rf dir | force removal of directory dir recursively (use with caution!) |
cat file.txt | display the contents of file.txt |
more file.txt | display the contents of file.txt screen by screen, spacebar to scroll, q to quit |
head file.txt | display first 10 lines of file.txt |
tail file.txt | display last 10 lines of file.txt |
tail –f file.txt | display the contents of file.txt as it grows, ctrl-c to quit |
mv fileordir dir | move fileordir into dir |
mv file newname | rename file to newname (will be overwritten if already exists) |
top | displays all the processes running on the machine, and shows available resources |
date | shows the current date and time |
ctrl-c | kill the running program |