Check out the command line tips to get some background information if you haven’t done yet. Then follow the Sudo and Nginx tutorials to set up a web server.
Connect to your jail with PuTTY or ssh.
Open the Nginx configuration file by typing
sudo ee /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Then look for the following lines
location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html index.htm; }
and change it to (don’t forget to change $USERNAME to your actual username)
location / { root /home/$USERNAME/www; index index.html index.htm; }
You can save the file by pressing escape (which opens the menu), then select leave editor and save changes.
Then restart Nginx by typing
sudo service nginx restart
Exit will leave the root account and go back to your normal user account.
Now that we have installed and configured the web server we only need to create a www directory in your home directory and then create a basic index.html file. This can be done by doing
cd ~ mkdir www ee www/index.html
And then enter the following
<!doctype html> <html> <title>Replace with your name!</title> <body> Hello World! </body> </html>
To see the result browse to
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